In that moment, I started to dream about what an ideal place would look like. A place that was so beautiful, fun and comfortable. Spaces to sit and build relationships with other adults while our kiddos played within view and used their imaginations in a clean, interactive play area.
If you haven't heard, we have signed a lease and have keys to our new space!! We are so excited and cannot wait to open our doors and invite you to enjoy this space we are so carefully creating with you and your littles in mind.
Moving forward, you can be a big help by joining Mezanmi Madness. Over the next two weeks, we are looking for 150 people to choose one number, 1 to 150, and give that dollar amount to help with some of our renovations. And guess what?! If every number is taken, you will have helped us move forward more than $11K in our start up fund with no one giving more than $150. Isn't that amazing?!
We realize that some of you may never even get to experience our space in person, but the encouragement you give means so much to us! We appreciate everyone who is cheering us on along this journey!
We will never know how to adequately thank everyone who helps Mezanmi Play Cafe come to life, but anyone who gives $25 or more during Mezanmi Madness will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 Amazon gift card! The winner will be chosen July 15th.